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summer 2024

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Participation was light but lively the first Sunday of the season.  Only 4 Lasers appeared;  no Optis, Turnabouts, FJs or handicap boats.  We'll try harder to make sure everyone knows THERE'S RACING EVERY SUNDAY AT 3 PM AT TPYC.  Anyone who owns, begs, borrows or steals a boat is welcome.

A fresh breeze and a triangular course made for some zesty reaching for the Lasers.  A thunder squall caused the Committee to cancel after the fourth race.

First - Bill Walsh: 1,2,1,1,  Total 5

Second - Zach Ward 2, 3, 2,3 Total 10

Third - Lilly Ward 3, 1, 4, 4. Total 12

Fourth - Steve  Walbridge DNS, DNS, 3, 2. Total  13

Sunday, July 7, 2024

It was wam, dry and brought a light, shifty south westerly breeze that filled in about 3:15 and held for 5 races.  

Participants:  Optis - 0, Turnabouts - 0, Lasers - 5, handicap - 0.

Mike Weisman started well in the first race and quickly figured out there was more pressure on the left side, which he used to put on a clinic, winning 5 races in a row.  

Results (low point) were:

Mike Weisman:  1,1,1,1,1. T- 5

Zach Ward:  4,4,2,2,2,. T -14

Peter Garcia:  2,3,4,3,3 T- 15

Steve Walbridge:  3,2,3,5,4. T-17

Lilly Ward: 5,5,5,4,5. T-24

After the races the committee and the sailors gathered on the deck for a social hour.  Mike Weisman was generous sharing the secrets of his success. 

 All club members are welcome to join in this informal social hour after the races, about 5 pm on Sundays, on the deck.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Warm weather and a light, shifty and variable SW breeze greeted the committee and the sailors on the second Sunday in July.

No Optimist, Turnabout, FJ or handicap sailors participated.

Five Lasers sailed 5 races.  Mike Weisman again dominated.  Leslie Shields was a strong second and edged out Zach Ward by one point.   

Mike 1,1,1,4,1 T=8
Leslie 2,4,3,1,2 T =12
Zach 3,2,2,3,3 T = 13
Lilly 4,3,4,2,4 T =17
Peter 5,5,5,5,5 T =25

Interviewed at the social hour on the deck after the racing, Peter Garcia expressed surprise his perfect score of 25 didn’t qualify him for first place
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